


Highly informative article by Iran Press Service

PARIS, 12 Dec. (IPS) “…. He is viscerally anti Jew, anti West…This is rooted in his education, his fascination for Hasan al Bana, Gamal Abdol Naser and third worldism, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, the late Egyptian leader and the movement that once was the flag ship of developing nations… and above all his total and fanatic belief in Shi’a doctrine”, said an Iranian journalist who knew Mr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad from the time he was Mayor of Tehran, commenting the islamo-populist Iranian President who, in less than four months destroyed all the credits – and respect -- his predecessor, Mohammad Khatami, a charismatic cleric, had obtained painfully for Iran during the eight years he was in office October.

After declaring on 26 October 2005 that “the Zionist Entity”, -- the jargon Iranian officials use to name Israel -- must be "wiped off the map of earth", Mr. Ahmadinejad did it again, by not only questioning the Holocaust, the killing of more than 6 million Jews and the gas chambers, but also calling on Europe, mostly Germany and Austria, the two nations responsible for the massacres during World War II, to provide one or two of their states to the Zionists in order to plant there their nation.

“The Europeans claims that Hitler killed and annihilated innocent Jews in furnaces..
Why then not give a parcel of Europe to the Zionists?
“The Europeans claims that they massacred Jews during World War II, that Hitler killed and annihilated innocent Jews in furnaces and they insist on it to the extent that if anyone proves something contrary to that, they condemn that person and throw him in jail, why then not give a parcel of Europe to the Zionists? (read more)


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