

Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution by Antony C. Sutton

"... Suppose — and it is only hypothesis at this point — that American monopoly capitalists were able to reduce a planned socialist Russia to the status of a captive technical colony? Would not this be the logical twentieth-century internationalist extension of the Morgan railroad monopolies and the Rockefeller petroleum trust of the late nineteenth century?"

Preface image to the book; Robert Minor's 1911 editorial cartoon, satirizing American Wall Street Monopolist Bankers including Teddy Roosevelt supporting totalitarian versions of Marxism (Bolshevik Revolution in Russia) as more akin to their ideal of managerial society.

This is an online book which documents Wall Streets involvement with the financing and development of the Bolshevik Revolution.


Antony C. Sutton


Chapter I:

The Actors on the Revolutionary Stage

Chapter II:

Trotsky Leaves New York to Complete the Revolution

Woodrow Wilson and a Passport for Trotsky
Canadian Government Documents on Trotsky's Release
Canadian Military Intelligence Views Trotsky
Trotsky's Intentions and Objectives

Chapter III:

Lenin and German Assistance for the Bolshevik Revolution

The Sisson Documents
The Tug-of-War in Washington

Chapter IV:

Wall Street and the World Revolution

American Bankers and Tsarist Loans
Olof Aschberg in New York, 1916
Olof Aschberg in the Bolshevik Revolution
Nya Banken and Guaranty Trust Join Ruskombank
Guaranty Trust and German Espionage in the United States, 1914-1917
The Guaranty Trust-Minotto-Caillaux Threads

Chapter V:

The American Red Cross Mission in Russia — 1917

American Red Cross Mission to Russia — 1917
American Red Cross Mission to Rumania
Thompson in Kerensky's Russia
Thompson Gives the Bolsheviks $1 Million
Socialist Mining Promoter Raymond Robins
The International Red Cross and Revolution

Chapter VI:

Consolidation and Export of the Revolution

A Consultation with Lloyd George
Thompson's Intentions and Objectives
Thompson Returns to the United States
The Unofficial Ambassadors: Robins, Lockhart, and Sadoul
Exporting the Revolution: Jacob H. Rubin
Exporting the Revolution: Robert Minor

Chapter VII:

The Bolsheviks Return to New York

A Raid on the Soviet Bureau in New York
Corporate Allies for the Soviet Bureau
European Bankers Aid the Bolsheviks

Chapter VIII:

120 Broadway, New York City

American International Corporation
The Influence of American International on the Revolution
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York
American-Russian Industrial Syndicate Inc.
John Reed: Establishment Revolutionary
John Reed and the Metropolitan Magazine

Chapter IX:

Guaranty Trust Goes to Russia

Wall Street Comes to the Aid of Professor Lomonossoff
The Stage Is Set for Commercial Exploitation of Russia
Germany and the United States Struggle for Russian Business
Soviet Gold and American Banks
Max May of Guaranty Trust Becomes Director of Ruskombank

Chapter X:

J.P. Morgan Gives a Little Help to the Other Side

United Americans Formed to Fight Communism
United Americans Reveals "Startling Disclosures" on Reds
Conclusions Concerning United Americans
Morgan and Rockefeller Aid Kolchak

Chapter XI:

The Alliance of Bankers and Revolution

The Evidence Presented: A Synopsis
The Explanation for the Unholy Alliance
The Marburg Plan

Appendix I:

Directors of Major Banks,
Firms, and Institutions Mentioned
in This Book (as in 1917-1918)

Appendix II:

The Jewish-Conspiracy Theory of the
Bolshevik Revolution

Appendix III:

Selected Documents from Government
Files of the United States and Great Britain

Selected Bibliography



those unknown Russian libertarians, also
known as Greens, who in 1919 fought both
the Reds and the Whites in their attempt to
gain a free and voluntary Russia


Copyright 2001



About Professor Sutton

"And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken" (Ecclesiastes 4:12).

Though he was a prolific author, Professor Sutton will always be remembered by his great trilogy: Wall St. and the Bolshevik Revolution,Wall St. and the Rise of Hitler, and Wall St. and FDR.

Professor Sutton left rainy, cloudy England for sunny California in 1957. He was a voice crying in the academic wilderness when most of the U. S. colleges had sold their souls for Rockefeller Foundation money.

Of course he came to this country believing that it was the land of the free and the home of brave.

Professor Sutton

ANTONY C. SUTTON was born in London in 1925 and educated at the universities of London, Gottingen, and California. A citizen of the United States since 1962, he was a Research Fellow at the Hoover Institution for War, Revolution and Peace at Stanford, California from 1968 to 1973, where he produced the monumental three-volume study, Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development.
In 1974, Professor Sutton completed National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union, a best-selling study of Western, primarily American, technological and financial assistance to the U.S.S.R. Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler is his fourth book exposing the role of American corporate insiders in financing international socialism. The two other books in this series are Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution and Wall Street and FDR.
Professor Sutton has contributed articles to Human Events, The Review of the News, Triumph, Ordnance, National Review, and many other journals. He is currently working on a two-part study of the Federal Reserve System and the manipulation of the U.S. economic system. Married and the father of two daughters, he lived in California.


Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, 1917-1930.
Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, 1930-1945
Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, 1945-1965.
National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union.
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution
Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler
Wall Street and FDR.
The War on Gold

How the Order Controls Education
. (Yale University's Skull and Bones unmasked). Yale is the evil twin versus Harvard which is the good university!!

Editor's Note

Sunny California was discovered in 1579 by Saint Francis Drake in his ship the Golden Hind. He called the land Nova Albion or New Albion and claimed it for his sovereign Queen Elizabeth I —daughter of saint ANNE BOLEYN and King Henry VIII.

There were no SPANIARDS there at that time because the natives came out to meet Saint Francis and treated him and his crew with love and affection.

Had the Spaniards been there before that time, the natives would have all ran and hid themselves fearing that the white men were Spaniards with their cruel Inquisition and blood-thirsty dogs.


Author's Note

Does this story continue on in China via the Russo-Wall Street syndicate?


Flawed icon of China's resurgence

Mao Tse-tung
"We have stood up," Mao said to the Chinese people in October 1949

Mao Tse-tung (1893-1976)

Excerpt from article:

Sun Yat-sen
Sun Yat-sen

In 1923 the Communist International -- the Comintern -- directed the Chinese Communists to work with Sun Yat-sen's Kuomintang (Nationalist Party). The Comintern had promised Sun that if he would ally with the Communists, the Soviet Union would give him military advisers and arms to build a viable army that could reunify the country by overthrowing the warlords, who had seized upon the chaos and taken control of large areas.


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