

Monochromatic Infrared Energy

"Nitric oxide is a chemical produced by cells in the body and used for a number of important functions. One of those functions is to cause blood vessels to dilate, or widen, allowing blood to flow easily and ensuring adequate oxygen delivery to cells. Another is to inhibit blood platelets from clotting. Impaired nitric oxide production may contribute to constricted blood vessels, high blood pressure, and atherosclerosis. But too much is no good either: Overproduction of nitric oxide, which can be triggered by bloodborne infections and certain brain disorders, can contribute to severe medical problems."

See entire article for more,


Presidential Executive Orders and Directives

Excerpted from the book
Inside the Shadow Government
National Emergencies and the Cult of Secrecy
by Harry Helms

The Communications Act of 1934 created the Federal Communications Commission and is the basic law governing electronic communications in the United States. Here is section 606(c) of the Act: “Upon proclamation by the President that there exists war or a threat of war or a state of public peril or disaster or other national emergency, or in order to preserve the neutrality of the United States, the President may suspend or amend, for such time as he may see fit, the rules and regulations applicable to any or all stations within the jurisdiction of the United States as prescribed by the Commission, and may cause the closing of any station for radio communication and the removal therefrom of its apparatus and equipment, or he may authorize the use or control of any such station and/or its apparatus and equipment by any department of the Government under such regulations as he may prescribe, upon just compensation to the owners.”

Over the years, presidents have accumulated enormous powers to deal with national emergencies. Some of these powers, like those authorized in Section 606(c) of the Communications Act, have been granted … by Congress. Others, like the detention of Japanese-American citizens by Executive Order 9066, have been, in effect, appropriated by various presidents through the issuance of executive orders justified by a national emergency… Using executive orders, presidents have suspended the constitutional right to a writ of habeas corpus, spent money without Congressional authorization, created entirely new federal agencies, forced banks to close, demonetized gold, seized mines, and control wages and prices.

Just what is a “national emergency”? That term does not appear in the Constitution, nor does it have a precise legal definition. In practice, a national emergency is whatever the president deems to be a national emergency. The result has been that the United States has been in an almost continual state of national emergency since March 6, 1933, when President Franklin Roosevelt declared a state of national emergency to deal with the Great Depression. When President George W. Bush was inaugurated in January, 2001, he inherited thirteen national emergencies declared by his predecessors.

the National Security Act of 1947 … contained sweeping … new powers for the president. Various continuing national emergencies brought about the issuance of ever more expansive executive orders. New systems of classification and official secrecy (many springing directly from the National Security Act of 1947) resulted in increasing government secrecy; eventually billions of dollars in annual federal spending would be kept secret from all but a few members of Congress. Secret plans were drafted for the U.S. military to take over most of the functions of civilian government in case of a national emergency. A huge secret infrastructure was built to protect and shelter the president and other key government leaders in case of a nuclear attack.

Many have never heard of these measures. Rather than have a complete and open debate about the new perils facing constitutional government after World War II, and the proposing of constitutional amendments to deal with those dangers, the whole matter was largely handled off the books. There were several reasons for this, but the strongest seems to have been an obsessive concern for a vaguely defined “national security.”

In the aftermath of World War II, national leaders-civilian and military alike-seem to have developed a strong distrust of the American people. Perhaps it was the paranoia over real and imagined spies that culminated in the Rosenberg trials and McCarthy hearings of the 1950s. Maybe it was a paternalistic belief that the will and morale of the American people would collapse if they had to ponder the horrific implications of a sudden nuclear attack. Or perhaps, more sinisterly, national leaders began to view the constitutional rights of Americans as placing the United States at a serious disadvantage in case of any conflict with the Soviet Union and its allies. Regardless of the reason(s), a consensus developed that plans for handling future national emergencies were not only necessary but also best kept secret from the public.

The Shadow Government is nothing new and is strictly bipartisan. Its roots stretch back to the presidencies of Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, and Franklin Roosevelt; its later architects include John Kennedy, Jimmy Carter, and Ronald Reagan. The Shadow Government includes secret facilities, presidential orders that create law without Congressional approval, classified projects and budgets, and numerous obscure provisions of various laws that give the president awesome powers in case of national emergency. Many elements of the Shadow Government might seem to violate the U.S. Constitution, but several of those same elements-such as the detention for any length of time of persons not charged with any crime-have been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court. Much of the Shadow Government is unknown and classified; each year, Congress approves money for various projects whose very existence is unknown to all but a handful of Congressional leaders (and even those Congressional leaders know only the most cursory details of those projects and exercise virtually no oversight).

The Shadow Government is not controlled by any secret cabal- indeed, it is uncertain whether anyone or anything controls it. Wrapped in secrecy, it has been able to grow and mutate without scrutiny or accountability; perhaps even the president is unaware of its scope.

One of President George W. Bush’s responses to the September 11 attacks was the creation on October 8, 2001 of the Office of Homeland Security and the Homeland Security Council. The Office’s mission is “to develop and coordinate the implementation of a comprehensive national strategy to secure the United States from terrorist threats or attacks.” Its functions include coordinating the collection and analysis of terrorist threats against the United States, monitoring the activities of terrorists and terrorist groups within the United States, preparing responses to terrorist threats and attacks, ensuring protection of critical national infrastructure, coordinating recovery efforts, and planning Continuity of Government I (COG) programs…

Article I, Section 1 of the United States Constitution says, ” Legislative Powers granted herein shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.” But no member of Congress voted to create the Office of Homeland Security. So how did it come into being?

Although not mentioned in the Constitution, executive orders issued by the president have the same legal effect as laws passed by Congress. In effect, then, they allow the president to legislate independently of | Congress. For example, Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation was an executive order, as was his suspension of habeas corpus during the Civil War. Franklin Roosevelt used executive orders in 1933 to close all American banks and force citizens to turn in their gold coins and, in 1942, to intern American citizens of Japanese descent for the duration of World War II. In 1951, Harry Truman used an executive order to seize strikethreatened steel mills to prevent shortages that would endanger “national security.” Richard Nixon used executive orders to impose wage and price controls in 1971. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was created not by Congress, but by an executive order of Jimmy Carter. George W. Bush’s Executive Order 13228 created the Office of Homeland Security.


Article II of the United States Constitution defines the powers of the president. Accustomed as we are today to the impression that the president is the United States government, the seemingly weak powers given to him by the Constitution may come as a shock. Section 1 of Article II gives the president a vaguely defined “executive authority”-the authority to carry out the laws passed by Congress and as interpreted by the courts-and Section 3 of Article II charges him to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” Section 2 of Article II gives him command of the armed forces. Many historians and constitutional scholars have argued that the intent of making the president commander in chief was not to give him wide-ranging powers but to ensure civilian control of the armed forces and prevent military leaders opposing the civilian government, as had happened in Europe.

In order to “take Care that the Law be faithfully executed,” the president must order members of the executive branch to implement laws and act in ways that conform to the law. While the Constitution is silent on the president’s authority to issue such orders, Supreme Court rulings have declared the president has implied powers to issue those orders to the executive branch necessary to discharge his constitutional responsibility to execute the law faithfully.

Thirty days after publication, executive orders become as binding upon all affected parties as a law passed by Congress. Congress can overturn an executive order in the same way it can repeal a law, but by far the most common Congressional action is to approve retroactively the actions taken under executive orders. Federal courts also can overturn executive orders but rarely do.

Congress has delegated so much authority to the president over I the years that determining the exact scope of presidential discretion is almost impossible. But it is clear that an astonishing amount of authority has been transferred to the president, especially in cases of “national `, emergency.” … the president has the authority to seize any radio transmitting equipment, including cell phones. Here again is the relevant text, section 606(c), of the Communications Act of 1934:

Upon proclamation by the President that there exists war or a threat of war or a state of public peril or disaster or other national emergency, or in order to preserve the neutrality of the United States, the President. . . may suspend or amend, for such time as he sees fit, the rules and regulations applicable to all stations. . . within the jurisdiction of the United States as prescribed by the Commission, and may cause the closing of any station for radio communication. . . and the removal of its apparatus and equipment, or he may authorize the use or control of any such station. . . and/or its apparatus and equipment by any department of the Government under such regulations as he may prescribe, upon just compensation to the owners.

That short section conveys breathtaking authority to the president in the event of a national emergency, authorizing him to take control of all radio and television stations in the United States, satellite communications, hobby radio stations such as ham radio and CB, and even pagers and cell phones-all fall under the legal definition of “radio communication.” And there are similar “emergency” provisions, hidden in a multitude of laws enacted by Congress over the past several decades, which can be activated if the president declares a national emergency.

A trend in executive orders after World War II is to be as vague as possible in citing the legal basis for the order. Before World War II, presidents commonly cited a specific piece of legislation or section of the Constitution as justification for an order. Today, such justifications as “the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States” are common, making it difficult or impossible to ascertain whether the order has a valid legal basis.

Lincoln’s most controversial and wide-ranging action was his suspension of the right to a writ of habeas corpus, which prevents a person being arrested and held unless formally charged with a crime and brought to trial. Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution reads, “The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.” The inclusion of this right in the main body of the Constitution indicates its importance to the framers when compared with others (such as the rights to freedom of speech and freedom of religion) spelled out in the Bill of Rights as afterthoughts. This reflects the colonists’ long and unhappy experience with English kings who suspended this right whenever they wanted to keep opponents and dissenters behind bars indefinitely.

Lincoln revoked the right to a writ of habeas corpus on April 21, 1861, in the following order to Winfield Scott, then General-in-Chief of the Army: “You are engaged in suppressing an insurrection against the laws of the United States. If at any point on or in the vicinity of the military line which is now used between the city of Philadelphia via Perryville, Annapolis City and Annapolis Junction you find resistance which renders it necessary to suspend the writ of habeas corpus for the public safety, you personally or through the officer in command at the point where the resistance occurs are authorized to suspend the writ.” This order gave Lincoln and his military commanders unlimited powers to arrest and detain anyone they wanted; persons detained had, as a practical matter, no legal rights.

The immediate targets of Lincoln’s order were not, as the order implied, rebellious Southerners, but the state legislature of Maryland. Several members were known Southern sympathizers, and there was fear that Maryland might also vote to secede. The fear was justified; the legislature had rejected Lincoln’s April 15 order for men from its state militia, calling it unconstitutional. After Lincoln’s order of April 27, the first arrests included thirty-one of the legislators along with the mayor of Baltimore and a congressman from the state. The governor of Maryland resigned under threat of arrest, and the Army (presumably with Lincoln’s approval) installed a pro-union replacement for him for the rest of the Civil War. Lincoln later extended the order suspending the writ of habeas corpus to the entire United States; its principal targets were not Confederate saboteurs or spies but northerners who opposed the war or the draft (especially newspaper editors and writers).

The most notorious target of Lincoln’s order was Clement Vallandigham, a congressman from Ohio who opposed the war and called for a negotiated end to it. He was defeated for re-election in 1862. On May 1, 1863, he made a speech in Mount Vernon, Ohio against “the wicked, cruel, and unnecessary war,” charging that “the men in power are attempting to establish a despotism in this country, more cruel and more Oppressive than ever existed before.” A few days later, soldiers under the command of General Ambrose Burnside raided Vallandigham’s farm in the middle of the night, taking him prisoner and charging him with declaring sympathies for the enemy.” Instead of being tried in a civilian court, Vallandigham was tried before a military tribunal and sentenced to prison for the remainder of the war. Lincoln commuted his sentence, and-in a move that had no legal foundation or precedent in American jurisprudence-ordered him banished to the Confederacy. Vallandigham managed to make his way to Canada, and in 1864 received the Democratic nomination for governor of Ohio and almost won. (He is said to be the inspiration for Edward Everett Hale’s story “The Man Without a Country.”)

Lincoln’s suspension of the writ of habeas corpus eventually resulted in his issuing an arrest order for the chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. In May 1861 John Merryman was arrested by U.S. troops at his farm near Cockeysville, Maryland. A Southern sympathizer, Merryman was implicated in a plot to burn railroad bridges in Maryland. He was taken to Fort McHenry and held without charge. Roger B. Taney, Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, was also the sitting federal circuit court judge for the district that included Maryland. He issued a writ of habeas corpus to General George Cadwalader directing that Merryman be either formally charged or released. Using President Lincoln’s order as his authority, Cadwalader refused. Taney then found Cadwalader in contempt of court. In his ruling, ex parte Merryman, Taney made the telling argument that the power to suspend habeas corpus is part of Article I of the Constitution, which enumerates the powers and responsibilities of Congress. Article II, which defines the powers and duties of the president, makes no mention of it. As Taney wrote, “A state of rebellion is the only time when Congress could declare the writ removed. . . This Article is devoted to the legislative department of the United States, and has not the slightest reference to the executive branch.”

Lincoln, enraged by Taney’s ruling, ordered General Cadwalader and other military leaders to ignore it. Taney briefly considered organizing a posse of federal marshals to arrest Cadwalader, but decided against this to avoid massive bloodshed. But Lincoln, suspecting that Taney harbored sympathies for the Confederacy, ordered Federal Marshal Ward Hill Lamon to arrest him. Lamon had misgivings about trying to arrest the nation’s top judge, and conveyed those doubts to Lincoln. In his diary, Lamon wrote that Lincoln told him to use his own discretion about making the arrest until he received orders to the contrary. Lamon decided not to arrest Taney until ordered to do so, and Lincoln did not pursue the matter.

Lincoln’s suspension of habeas corpus drew international attention. A British publication, Macmillan Magazine, editorialized in 1862 that “there is no Parliamentary (congressional) authority whatever for what has been done. It has simply been done on Mr. Lincoln’s fiat. At his simple bidding, acting by no authority but his own pleasure, in plain defiance of the provisions of the Constitution, the Habeas Corpus Act has been suspended, the press muzzled, and judges prevented by armed men from enforcing on the citizens’ behalf the laws to which they and the President alike have sworn.”

Lincoln was not rebuked for his actions until after his death. In 1866, the Supreme Court ruled in ex parte Milligan that it was unconstitutional to suspend the right to a writ of habeas corpus or to establish a system of military detentions and trials anywhere civil courts were still functioning. This Court undermined this decision, however, when it upheld President Franklin Roosevelt’s Executive Order 9066 authorizing internment of Japanese Americans during World War II.

Lincoln’s best known executive order is the Emancipation Proclamation, issued on January 1, 1863…


The Democratic Party had a majority of 334 to 89 in the House of Representatives and 75 to 17 in the Senate when Franklin Roosevelt was inaugurated, and the margin of his victory indicated widespread public support for far-reaching measures to fight the Great Depression. But the new president made it clear in his March 4, 1933 inaugural address that he wanted more power:

It is to be hoped that the normal balance of executive and legislative authority may be wholly adequate to meet the unprecedented task before us. But it may be that an unprecedented demand and need for action may call for temporary departure from that normal balance of public procedure. I am prepared under my constitutional duty to recommend the measures that a stricken nation in the midst of a stricken world may require. But in the event that Congress shall fail to take one of these two courses, and in the event that the national emergency is still critical, I shall not evade the clear course of duty that will then confront me. I shall ask the Congress for the one remaining instrument to meet the crisis-broad executive power to wage a war against the emergency, as great as the power that would be given to me if we were in fact invaded by a foreign foe.

That passage neatly summarizes the attitude toward presidential power and its exercise through executive orders that Franklin Roosevelt repeatedly displayed throughout his presidency. Not even Lincoln legislated (some would say “dictated”) through executive orders as Franklin Roosevelt did. Much of the potential for presidential abuse of executive orders arises directly from precedents set by Roosevelt during I his twelve years in the White House.

But none of Roosevelt’s other executive orders equaled the impact of Executive Order 9066. No other better illustrates the awesome power of executive orders, their potential for abuse, and how seemingly innocuous text can have fearsome applications.


Appendix A reproduces Executive Order 9066, issued on February 19, 1942. Its language gives little reason to suspect that it would entail the internment of over 110,000 persons of Japanese descent, including 77,000 American citizens, for the duration of World War II. That is no accident; Executive Order 9066 was expressed vaguely to avoid provoking organized resistance. And, in the now traditional pattern of executive orders, Congress later passed legislation validating it.

Executive Order 9066 originated in the rabid anti-Japanese hysteria that followed the bombing of Pearl Harbor. In the first few days following the attack, General John L. DeWitt, commander of the Western Defense Command, sent a report to President Roosevelt accusing Japanese Americans of engaging in espionage and disloyal conduct. His suspicion of Japanese Americans was purely racist, and his report the work of a bewildered mind; he took the total lack of evidence of such JapaneseAmerican disloyalty or sabotage as proof of their guilt. In DeWitt’s convoluted words: “[t]he Japanese race is an enemy race and while many second and third generation Japanese born on United States soil, possessed of United States citizenship, have become ‘Americanized,’ the racial strains are undiluted. . . The very fact that no sabotage has taken place to date is a disturbing and confirming indication that such action will be taken.” Newspapers also did their part to feed mass racist hysteria. The Los Angeles Times editorialized, “[a] viper is nonetheless a viper wherever the egg is hatched, so a Japanese American-born of Japanese parents- grows up to be a Japanese, not an American.”

The implementation of Executive Order 9066 was draconian. Posters headlined “INSTRUCTIONS TO ALL PERSONS OF JAPANESE ANCESTRY” appeared in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and other cities with large Japanese-American populations, ordering Japanese Americans to report to “control stations.” They were forbidden more than two suitcases per person, and permitted only such necessities as clothing, toiletries, and food. Those who reported to the control centers were then relocated to various internment camps. The most famous of these was Manzanar, located on Highway 395 along the eastern slopes of California’s Sierra Nevada Mountains. Nine other camps were scattered through the western United States. Most Japanese Americans interned at the various camps did not have time to close their businesses, store their property, or otherwise settle their affairs. As a result, most internees incurred significant financial losses.

The sole criterion for internment under Executive Order 9066 was race. Most affected Japanese Americans were born in the United States and had never been to Japan. Even Japanese Americans who had been adopted and raised by white families-and who could not speak or write a word of Japanese-were swept up by Roosevelt’s order.

While it did not single out Japanese Americans explicitly, in practice it applied only to them. German and Italian nationals were interned during World War II, but never any German-American or Italian-American citizens. If President Roosevelt and General DeWitt had any reason for their apparent belief that German Americans and Italian Americans were less prone to disloyalty than Japanese Americans, it must have been simple racism.

Franklin Roosevelt was president for a little over twelve years. that time, he issued 3,723 executive orders, a figure greater than the total issued by all succeeding presidents through the end of the Clinton administration.

Original source



i once met livingston taylor
james talyor's brother
who told me that if anyone you are working with
like and agent or a manager
in the music business
should happen to screw you
he said
just move on and don't hold a grudge
just wish them well and keep on loving

he was late for his performance at suny binghamton
because he took the time to give me these words
sitting on the steps of the student union dinning hall
back in 1974

my best friend at the time jim burns
used to love to sing and play this song to me
he was the one who first introduced me
to livingston's music

these are the words of his favorite song

Livingston Taylor
©Rear Exit Music/Morgan Creek Music(ASCAP) - All Rights Reserved

Looking up, blue sky over me
There's a soft grass 'tween my toes
Gentle Spring wind blows, and
Someone's saying, "There's that face again.
I'd know that face anywhere,
And I'd know he'll be a friend
To me, he won't hurt or treat me bad
He'll be the best friend I've ever had."

People young and old saying,
"Please take hold
Of a hand that's icy cold,
Teach my face to look bold
Give me reason to live again
Give my face a soft warm smile,
Talk and be my friend awhile."
They need, well, a friend who's strong and true.
They feel that there's nothing they can do
To change the bad times
Rearrange the bad lines
Mix with all kinds of people.
Friends who'll be kind
Like me 'cause I don't really mind
Where you're going and
what you've been through I will cool you out with love and kindness
If that's what I need to do.
Or give you places to begin
And I'll stick by you through thick and thin
Give you comfort, be your friend
I've got lots of love throughout my soul A lot of good heart that won't turn
Icy cold if the bad times roll in
Give you second chances again and again
And I'll see that you're able to blend right in
With all kinds of people
Taking good with evil.

And I'm looking up, blue sky over me,
There's a soft grass 'tween my toes,
A gentle Spring wind blows.
Ooh blow on by my life.


Is the “Star of David” Pagan? by William F. Dankenbring

Is the "Star of David" truly a symbol which comes from ancient King

David of Israel? Why does this star figure so prominently in the nation

of "Israel," today? Should the people of God use this symbol?

The so-called "Star of David" is essentially a "hexagram," nothing more, nothing less. There is no Biblical or Jewish evidence that traces this ancient occult symbol with king David of Israel. However, there is evidence that it was used by king Solomon, after he turned to pagan gods and the occult, late in his life, causing God to become very angry with him. (more)


Doomed to failure in the Middle East

A letter from 52 former senior British diplomats to Tony Blair

Tuesday April 27, 2004
The Guardian

Dear Prime Minister,

We the undersigned former British ambassadors, high commissioners, governors and senior international officials, including some who have long experience of the Middle East and others whose experience is elsewhere, have watched with deepening concern the policies which you have followed on the Arab-Israel problem and Iraq, in close cooperation with the United States. Following the press conference in Washington at which you and President Bush restated these policies, we feel the time has come to make our anxieties public, in the hope that they will be addressed in parliament and will lead to a fundamental reassessment.

The decision by the US, the EU, Russia and the UN to launch a "road map" for the settlement of the Israel/Palestine conflict raised hopes that the major powers would at last make a determined and collective effort to resolve a problem which, more than any other, has for decades poisoned relations between the west and the Islamic and Arab worlds. The legal and political principles on which such a settlement would be based were well established: President Clinton had grappled with the problem during his presidency; the ingredients needed for a settlement were well understood and informal agreements on several of them had already been achieved. But the hopes were ill-founded. Nothing effective has been done either to move the negotiations forward or to curb the violence. Britain and the other sponsors of the road map merely waited on American leadership, but waited in vain.

Worse was to come. After all those wasted months, the international community has now been confronted with the announcement by Ariel Sharon and President Bush of new policies which are one-sided and illegal and which will cost yet more Israeli and Palestinian blood. Our dismay at this backward step is heightened by the fact that you yourself seem to have endorsed it, abandoning the principles which for nearly four decades have guided international efforts to restore peace in the Holy Land and which have been the basis for such successes as those efforts have produced.

This abandonment of principle comes at a time when rightly or wrongly we are portrayed throughout the Arab and Muslim world as partners in an illegal and brutal occupation in Iraq.

The conduct of the war in Iraq has made it clear that there was no effective plan for the post-Saddam settlement. All those with experience of the area predicted that the occupation of Iraq by the coalition forces would meet serious and stubborn resistance, as has proved to be the case. To describe the resistance as led by terrorists, fanatics and foreigners is neither convincing nor helpful. Policy must take account of the nature and history of Iraq, the most complex country in the region. However much Iraqis may yearn for a democratic society, the belief that one could now be created by the coalition is naive. This is the view of virtually all independent specialists on the region, both in Britain and in America. We are glad to note that you and the president have welcomed the proposals outlined by Lakhdar Brahimi. We must be ready to provide what support he requests, and to give authority to the UN to work with the Iraqis themselves, including those who are now actively resisting the occupation, to clear up the mess.

The military actions of the coalition forces must be guided by political objectives and by the requirements of the Iraq theatre itself, not by criteria remote from them. It is not good enough to say that the use of force is a matter for local commanders. Heavy weapons unsuited to the task in hand, inflammatory language, the current confrontations in Najaf and Falluja, all these have built up rather than isolated the opposition. The Iraqis killed by coalition forces probably total 10-15,000 (it is a disgrace that the coalition forces themselves appear to have no estimate), and the number killed in the last month in Falluja alone is apparently several hundred including many civilian men, women and children. Phrases such as "We mourn each loss of life. We salute them, and their families for their bravery and their sacrifice," apparently referring only to those who have died on the coalition side, are not well judged to moderate the passions these killings arouse.

We share your view that the British government has an interest in working as closely as possible with the US on both these related issues, and in exerting real influence as a loyal ally. We believe that the need for such influence is now a matter of the highest urgency. If that is unacceptable or unwelcome there is no case for supporting policies which are doomed to failure.

Yours faithfully,

Sir Graham Boyce (ambassador to Egypt 1999-2001); Sir Terence Clark (ambassador to Iraq 1985-89); Francis Cornish (ambassador to Israel 1998-2001); Sir James Craig (ambassador to Saudi Arabia 1979-84); Ivor Lucas (ambassador to Syria 1982-84); Richard Muir (ambassador to Kuwait 1999-2002); Sir Crispin Tickell (British permanent representative to the UN 1987-90); Sir Harold (Hooky) Walker (ambassador to Iraq 1990-91), and 44 others

[Full list of signatories: Brian Barder; Paul Bergne; John Birch; David Blatherwick; Graham Boyce; Julian Bullard; Juliet Campbell; Bryan Cartledge; Terence Clark; David Colvin; Francis Cornish; James Craig; Brian Crowe; Basil Eastwood; Stephen Egerton; William Fullerton; Dick Fyjis-Walker; Marrack Goulding; John Graham; Andrew Green; Vic Henderson; Peter Hinchcliffe; Brian Hitch; Archie Lamb; David Logan; Christopher Long; Ivor Lucas; Ian McCluney; Maureen MacGlashan; Philip McLean; Christopher MacRae; Oliver Miles; Martin Morland; Keith Morris; Richard Muir; Alan Munro; Stephen Nash; Robin O'Neill; Andrew Palmer; Bill Quantrill; David Ratford; Tom Richardson; Andrew Stuart; David Tatham; Crispin Tickell; Derek Tonkin; Charles Treadwell; Hugh Tunnell; Jeremy Varcoe; Hooky Walker; Michael Weir; Alan White.]